I was eating my late afternoon quickie meal in the middle of Wenceslas square. In front of a tiny red car that was reflecting in the water. But I hadn't finished it and the old lady came and drove away. So I took a picture of this Mango ad that is on one of the old buildings at Wenceslas square.
Actually Prague's city hall decided to dramatically lower the number of those kind of ads. They don't want them to cover Prague houses. Usually they are used when the house is being reconstructed. To cover the scaffolding.
I read an interview with the head of Prague's institution that takes care - among others - of the renovation of Prague's statues and sculptures. He said his idea was to offer the place on the scaffolding to advertisers in exchange for financing the renovation. Unfortunately, he wasn't successful at his superiors. I think this is a smart idea as there is only a very limited budget for renovations.