Well, these are the photos from the almost two last weeks of 2009. I guess you would enjoy them more if you were I and have my memories, but... you know... :) Here waiting for the ballet performance in Strasnicke theatre.

With Honza, my high school classmate, as one of the main dancers. I'm always amazed by him and the passion he has for dancing.

Tram in motion :)

Lubka was going to Prague so I tried to create a little map for her so she wouldn't get lost in the big city.

And here she is, fittings in Ostrava.

Definitely the nicest thing :)

Thumbs up :) At a pizzeria near our hotel in Ostrava.

Obligatory hotel view photo.

Still in Ostrava. Adriane giving hard time to the photographer. Was fun to watch, though :)
Chris and Monika.

Bobek, still exploring the beauty of photography.

... and bystanding ladies.

Now we're in Brno.

She was my secret platonic love for the day.

Monika and Bobek. What a great couple they would be.

I don't know why.
Ester, still my number one DJ.

We had a great photographer
Pavel Sinagl in Brno. Well, one expect the photos should be good, but he's also great with people. And sometimes that's even more important.

For sure the most popular photographer we've worked with :)

Coincidentally we found out I could connect my computer to the mix pult. So I mixed :)

Back in Prague. Christmas shopping wouldn't be complete without watching Hannah Montana in the children corner.

... and office Christmas party.

I haven't shown you my new glasses, have I? :)

This doesn't happen often, but every now and then somebody steal my camera and manage to take a picture of me :) People on photos below are some of my most favorite people of 2009 (and many years to come, for sure :)

You may remember the heart.

Christmas gifts packing. I went with the simple theme this year. Of course, I got the best gift after New Year's... but I don't complain.

Oh, these are the t-shirts my sister made for herself and her friends. I'll have to show you the one she did for me next time.

The traditional Christmas walk with my mom. Lovely family time... :)

A lot of walks during Christmas time...

As well as reading. There's not much to do when you're ill.

School memories :)

At Tomas' flat. Discussing life and such.

After seeing Harold and Maude movie with some friends.

Discussing life and such in a tram. Tomas is such an artistic and multitalented person one has to wonder. It was him who showed me how to play the guitar, bass and drums. And much much more.

Second round of Christmas reading. You can pretty much guess my favorite writers by now :)

I have to show you the U Carodejek cafe. It is owned by a lady who predicted our future when we were there few months ago. It's becoming a reality now. Weird stuff.