October 24, 2010

Camaro is back

I have to share this with you. It's hard to believe (at least for me) but after more than a year the Camaro is alive and looks sooo good :) And drives sooo good :) It's a feeling I don't have in any other car. It's just perfect :) ... and I am getting a bit too old to own a camaro. But, I can live with that :)
October 23, 2010

4 colors wedding. And dustbins. And chairs.

As a regular reader of The Inspired Bride and a true wedding fan... this photo was a no-brainer. I like how they put those four colors in the windows :)

Then, suddenly, the four color theme started to occur in other places as well. The dustbins.

And the best execution of them all. (Also the cutest.) The little color chairs :)
October 21, 2010
October 18, 2010

The importance of local food

OK, this won't be a heavy post or a thoughtful thought. I just liked the words importance and local food in one sentence :) I saw this Alicia Silverstone's Google talk few months ago. And it made sense. Eventhough I watched it just for Alicia Silverstone at the beginning :)

So, here you can see a pair of Czech pears, sweet and yummy :) What is even more interesting is that we now have a couple of very good farmer markets in Prague happening every weekend. Something that grew up during the summer and looks to be becoming more and more popular. Which is definitely a good thing.
October 17, 2010
October 16, 2010

Prague train station and holidays in the Czech Republic

Prague main train station. And as much as I am fascinated by traveling, this fascinate me all the time :)

Holidays in Czech Republic or Slovakia. We used to go for a "local" holidays every summer when we were kids. What a pity we don't now.

This is just a random window at our building :)

And a random car at a nearby street which nicely fits into to Autumn theme :)
October 14, 2010

Free domek

They have this one in the middle of Wenceslas square. It's a real size model of an almost independent and quite affordable house. And it actually looks chic inside. I guess they can just drop it anywhere you want and you're set to live there :)

Here's a little update with some basic info and their website: www.freedomky.cz

October 10, 2010

A lovely sunny Sunday in Prague

What a fabulous weekend we had this time :) I guess the overall happiness in Prague went up by 1000% just because of the sun :)

October 9, 2010
October 5, 2010