June 28, 2012
This is old school shopping center - Pasáž Sofie in Modřany
One of the old school shopping centers. This one, Pasáž Sofie, is in Modřany. It's harder and harder to find a non-branded, just usual and absolutely normal store in Prague.
modřany in prague,
pasáž sofia v modřanech
June 26, 2012
Is Sun House the best place to live in Prague? And with the best view, too?
Based just on the view over Vltava river, Modrany and on the whole Prague... it very well might be the best place. It's not that expensive, close to public transport, close to forrests and nature. I wrote about this place before. And I still love it :) Just look at those views :)
best views in prague,
sun house in modrany
June 25, 2012
Vineyard in Modrany

There are more vineyards in Prague than one can probably think of. Here's the nice and hidden one in Modrany, very close to Vltava river. What's interesting about this place, that it's been there since 1178. That's quite a long time, right?
vineyard in modrany,
vineyard in prague
June 24, 2012
Over Charles Bridge. Over Prague Castle. Over Zizkov TV Tower. The sunset in Prague.
June 20, 2012
Come Hell or High Water - A trilogy of the fantastic and occult set in medieval and modern-day Prague
I am more than happy to let you know about Come Hell or High Water. A book written by my good friend Stephen. I am so looking forward to it :)
"Come Hell or High Water," a terrifying historic-fantasy trilogy from first-time author Stephen Morris, erupts in 1356 as a witch’s curse rings out over Prague’s Old Town Square. As the old crone is bound to a stake and consumed by flames, her vengeful words set in motion a series of dark events that unfold across the centuries, culminating in the historic flood of 2002 that threatens to destroy the city.
The trilogy, to be self-published in both e-book and paperback format, will appear in the next few weeks, just in time to mark the 10th anniversary of the historic flood. This debut urban fantasy is gripping, intelligent and intricately layered with remarkable research and detail taken from authentic medieval occult practices and the legends of Mysterious Prague itself.
For more details, see either
or find it on Facebook!